
Health-Boosting Velvet Antler Washing and Sterilization Method

Writer케이엠텍 Date2023-08-09 Views353

Traditional Velvet Antler Cleaning Method

  • The traditional method for cleaning velvet antlers involves burning the outer layer, covered in fine hair, to create a velvet layer or using detergent and flour for washing. However, these methods have drawbacks. Burning can generate harmful substances due to the combustion process, and using flour and detergent takes a long time and requires additional post-cleaning sterilization.
  • High-pressure cleaning generates wastewater and necessitates further post-cleaning treatment.

Advantages of Innovative Dry Ice Cleaning Method
  • Compared to burning or using detergents, the dry ice cleaning method saves time, prevents the generation of harmful substances, and eliminates the need for additional sterilization after cleaning. Unlike the drawbacks of high-pressure cleaning, the dry ice method saves time, requires no post-sterilization treatment, and is easy to perform due to the use of standard pressure (as velvet antlers lack standardized shapes, traditional jigs are less effective, leading to cleaning difficulties). The use of a pressure of 3 to 4 bar significantly reduces worker fatigue.

Utilizing dry ice cleaning allows for the simultaneous removal of the velvet layer and sterilization. (Dry ice reaches temperatures of -78.5 degrees Celsius.)

Compared to traditional cleaning methods, dry ice cleaning saves time, eliminates wastewater generation, reduces worker fatigue, simplifies processes, and leads to cost savings in production.

Photo of Velvet Antler Hair Removal
