
A technology-driven company that continues to develop cleaning systems tailored to customers' needs

We will continue to develop and develop cleaning systems that meet the needs of our customers.
It is a company that communicates with customers for better service.

Dry ice washing machine domestic technology, domestic and international patent and technology development, industrial, living, public defense, etc.
It has completed the development of cleaning systems and small-scale types of cleaning systems across all fields, and has been designated as a leading aerospace company.
It has been selected as the only designated company in Korea in the field of dry ice aviation cleaning.

We have established sales offices in Indonesia and Vietnam by pioneering not only domestic but also overseas markets.
We secured a global development system in partnership with Silicon Valley CAL in the U.S. and established a global innovation system to solve the problem of overseas companies.

We will become a company that looks forward to the next 100 years with the corporate value ideology that does not stop in place.

CEO KIM Ho jin